Towny Republic
Owner KetsuekiReaper
Status offline
Players 0/0
Version 1.19
Rank 170
Score 0
Uptime 99.5%
Last Check 5 month(s) ago
Country Canada
Types EconomyMCMMORoleplayTownySurvival
Social Discord

Towny Republic is a Minecraft server where you can create your own destiny in a world full of wonders and dangers. You can join one of the many towns and nations that exist on our server and cooperate or compete with other players for resources, land and influence. You can also create your own town or nation and shape your gameplay and interactions with other players.

You can explore the vast wilderness that covers our server and discover hidden secrets and treasures that will help you on your journey. You can also travel to different locations using waypoints, chat commands and random teleportation. You can face powerful enemies and bosses that will challenge your skills and reward you with rare items and loot. You can enchant your weapons and armor with unique effects and abilities that will give you an edge in combat.

You can also put bounties on other players that have wronged you or compete with them for various positions on our server. You can earn money and rewards by voting for our server, joining a job, leveling up your skills and abilities, creating shops and crafting recipes, participating in elections. You can also use your money to buy vouchers that will grant you special perks or benefits on our server.

Towny Repubic has voice chat, cross-play capabilties and Discord integration. You can also make your life easier by teleporting to your bed, riding elevators, locking your chests and containers, storing your inventory on death, using a currency system interacting with NPCs ranking up automatically based on activity, And if you want to have some fun and relax on our server, you can enjoy some relaxing fishing.

But be careful! There is more to this world than meets the eye. A dark force lurks in the shadows, waiting for its chance to strike. A prophecy foretells of a hero who will rise up against this evil threat. Will it be you? Join Towny Republic today and find out!

What is IP for Minecraft server Towny Republic?

The server IP address for Towny Republic is

What version Towny Republic supports?

Towny Republic supports Minecraft version: 1.19, .

What is Towny Republic minecraft server location?

Towny Republic server is located in Canada.

What gamemodes Towny Republic supports?

Towny Republic Minecraft server supports Economy, MCMMO, Roleplay, Towny, Survival, gamemodes.