Minecraft: Divided Territory
Owner Brodiavolo
Status offline
Players 0/0
Version 1.12.2
Rank 149
Score 0
Uptime 99.3%
Last Check 12 month(s) ago
Country United States
Types EarthWarLand Claim ModdedRoleplay
Social Discord

Minecraft: Divided Territory, is a modded Minecraft server on 1.12.2 that is based around Geopolitics, Space exploration, Industrialization, and Militarization. There is something for everyone on this server. We use a 1:2000 Earth map, as well as a dynmap. We use a modpack custom made by me, the owner, specifically for this server. Some of the mods we include are Thermal Expansion, Galacticraft, Immersive Vehicles, And more. The modpack is designed to run well on even lower end setups. In order to create a nation you will need yourself and one other person willing to join, a name, and a location (we go by real world countries). It is recommended for new players that you join a nation. But if you have experience then we emplore you to create a nation and throw your hat into the ring. As long as you follow the rules, and be freindly (as friendly as minecraft geopolitics can be). Then I can ensure you will have a good time on this server.

(At the time of writing this, the 23rd, the server is not up as of yet, but will be up tomorrow, the 24th)

What is IP for Minecraft server Minecraft: Divided Territory?

The server IP address for Minecraft: Divided Territory is

What version Minecraft: Divided Territory supports?

Minecraft: Divided Territory supports Minecraft version: 1.12.2, .

What is Minecraft: Divided Territory minecraft server location?

Minecraft: Divided Territory server is located in United States.

What gamemodes Minecraft: Divided Territory supports?

Minecraft: Divided Territory Minecraft server supports Earth, War, Land Claim , Modded, Roleplay, gamemodes.