Legacy MC
Owner starblood
Status offline
Website https://play.legacymc.store/
Players 0/0
Version 1.9
Rank 111
Score 0
Uptime 99.6%
Last Check 5 month(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types EconomyVanillaLand Claim CommunityOriginal
Social Discord


Welcome to LegacyMC, fresh and peaceful SMP! Community-focused (we mean it) server that focuses on economy and no griefing with a hint of PVP... We have a time and place for everything! Server is crossplay so java and bedrock players can join and play together. We have custom lore will bring a lot of lore focused events, like solving mystery, secret treasure hunt and much more

The server provides a number of plugins like keep-inv, player warps, grief prevention, playershops and more that improve the user experience while adhering to the core principles of Minecraft.

By supporting the server voting you can earn ranks and perks that come with it.

What are you waiting for? Join now and start your "Legacy"

What is IP for Minecraft server Legacy MC?

The server IP address for Legacy MC is

What version Legacy MC supports?

Legacy MC supports Minecraft version: 1.9, .

What is Legacy MC minecraft server location?

Legacy MC server is located in United Kingdom.

What gamemodes Legacy MC supports?

Legacy MC Minecraft server supports Economy, Vanilla, Land Claim , Community, Original, gamemodes.