JailMine Network
Owner speedboost57
Status online
IP jailmine.org
Website https://jailmine.org
Players 0/0
Version 1.81.19
Rank 8
Score 624
Uptime 99.6%
Last Check 5 month(s) ago
Country United States
Types KitPvPEconomyMini GamesPrisonPvP
Social Discord

Welcome to JailMine! We're a Multi-Gamemode Minecraft Server Network featuring casual gamemodes and minigames such as Prison ★ GTA ★ Survival ★ Factions ★ Skyblock ★ Skywars ★ Bedwars and much more! Join our community now @ play.jailmine.org and have fun!

What is IP for Minecraft server JailMine Network?

The server IP address for JailMine Network is jailmine.org.

What version JailMine Network supports?

JailMine Network supports Minecraft version: 1.8, 1.19, .

What is JailMine Network minecraft server location?

JailMine Network server is located in United States.

What gamemodes JailMine Network supports?

JailMine Network Minecraft server supports KitPvP, Economy, Mini Games, Prison, PvP, gamemodes.