Owner Eternumex
Status offline
Players 0/0
Version 1.181.19
Rank 67
Score 0
Uptime 99.4%
Last Check 5 month(s) ago
Country United States
Types CreativeSurvivalMCMMOSkyblock
Social Discord


Welcome to Aoris-Network! 

This is a newly created network in which we have created servers such as:

- Lobby (An awesome lobby in which you will be welcome to look around(get a few rewards) and head to our other servers!)

- SMP (A survival minecraft server with only the most needed plugins to have the most absolute fun!)

- Creative (A creative server in which you can build on plots with voxelsniper and worldedit!)

- Skyblock (with three types of islands, bank and boosters!)

- World of Arevia (A soon to be started MMORPG type of server in which the players can choose their class and complete quests, dungeons and many more!)


Feel free to join us on our adventure and to have fun! We are currently stable on 1.16.5 but will update soon to the next patch. 

We have huge plans and many more servers are going to be made! 

You can expect soon your favorite minigames!


We listen to our players and if you have any suggestions or criticism, do not be afraid to tell us on our discord or in our website's forum!


We are expecting you! 🙂






What is IP for Minecraft server Aoris-Network?

The server IP address for Aoris-Network is

What version Aoris-Network supports?

Aoris-Network supports Minecraft version: 1.18, 1.19, .

What is Aoris-Network minecraft server location?

Aoris-Network server is located in United States.

What gamemodes Aoris-Network supports?

Aoris-Network Minecraft server supports Creative, Survival, MCMMO, Skyblock, gamemodes.