Tis Nation
Owner Abadonnis
Status offline
IP tisnationnetwork.com
Players 0/0
Version 1.19
Rank 192
Score 0
Uptime 99.4%
Last Check 12 month(s) ago
Country United States
Types PrisonEconomyRanks

In desperate need of builders and staff, will be taking applications, you can join the discord or you can join the server, willing to pay for the right work. Come join, we dont bite.


What is IP for Minecraft server Tis Nation?

The server IP address for Tis Nation is tisnationnetwork.com.

What version Tis Nation supports?

Tis Nation supports Minecraft version: 1.19, .

What is Tis Nation minecraft server location?

Tis Nation server is located in United States.

What gamemodes Tis Nation supports?

Tis Nation Minecraft server supports Prison, Economy, Ranks, gamemodes.